- I don't know if there is a function that can draw archs, or at least partial curves from circles.
- I don't know if there is a good way of shading the overlap area in R.

The basic steps is:
- Figure out the angle (theta) to use so that we can get the partial curve from a circle function.
- Calculate the intesect points and use acos() or asin() to get the theta where the intersects are and plug it back into the circle functions.
- Use polygon() to fill in the shaded area.
Today, David Park told me that there was someone who has asked a similar question about how to shade overlap aread of ``circles" in polmeth mailing list. Basically, there is a nice package ``gpclib" in R that can fill in the overlapping areas. I tried it a bit, and it works fine for 2 circles. But if there are three circles, ``gpclib" failed too. (I might have to explore it more)
However, there is one nice function-- get.bbox()-- in ``gpclib" that is very handy. It can help you find out intersects of two circles. So I don't have to go over the math again to find out intersects. R does it for you.
Anway, I kind of agree with what Simon Jackman's suggestion in the polmeth. It is much easier to do this in Adobe illustrator or other graphic tools. But the advantage of using R to make figure like this is that we can make adjustment by altering the code.
The final lesson I got out from this struggle is that math is really important. What is a circle function look like? I had to review my math through google to retrieve the answer. I wish I could have devoted myself more in stuyding it when I was in high school.
P.S Thanks Andy, Aleks, David, and mostly Charlie for their help on making this plot.
1 comment:
I am searching for how to calculate the area between two plotted lines and stop by your old posts.
After researching, there seems no established means for finding overlapping areas for non-parametic lines! Any suggestion or directions that I should look into?
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