Monday, September 11, 2006

Place tables and figures in the back of a paper or a book 將圖表置於本文之後

Q. How to place tables and figures in the back of a paper or a book?
# in preamble
nofiglist: no list of figures
notablist: no list of tables
nolists: neither list
figlist: list of figures
tablist: list of tables
lists: list of tables and figures
nofighead: no "Figures" section header
notabhead: no "Tables" section header
noheads: head neither of the headers
fighead: "Figures" section header
tabhead: "tables" section header
heads: Both section headers
markers: Place markers in the text
nomarkers: no markers in text
tablesfirst: Put tables before figures
figuresfirst: Put figures before tables

# To have multiple figure per pages in the end, use the following code:

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