1: very unfavorable; 2: mostly unfavorable; 3: mostly favorable; 4: very favorable
The most common way to model ordinal data like this is to postulate the existence of an underlying latent (unobserved) variable z associated with each response k of y. In other words, we fit such data with ordered logit/probit models. Since the data is time series cross sectional, the reasonable way to model it is to fit a multilevel model (See Andrew Gelman, 2007, Data Analysis using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models).
Here is the formal expression of the model with varying intercepts (random effects) by year:
Here is the code for BUGS, mologit.txt. A trick to genereate initial values for cutpoints is to assign 0 to each cutpoints. So for our model, it is a 4*3 matrix of 0's. (4 years, 3 cutpoints for each years). If you are using R2WinBUGS, the R code for the inits should be:
inits <- function(){
Our preliminary result suggests that there is no effect of 9/11 on American's attitudes on Muslim. The paper is going to present at this year's MPSA conference at Chicago. The presenting time is on April 5 at 10:00am. We are welcome for comments on the paper.
"Our preliminary result suggests that there is no effect of 9/11 on American's attitudes on Muslim." This is a really surprising finding, isn't it? I mean CNN calls this a "controversial photo".
BTW: Do you intend to publish your paper online?
P.S.: Nice article and thanks for the BUGS code :-)
Hi Bernd,
The paper is going to be a conference proceeding after we present it. In the meantime, we are still working on it. I will post the updated news on our paper in my blog.
Thank you!
amazing to be able to read what actually happens and try and picture the action.
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